A tale of revenge, the story begins with Deva (Suriya) who is a post graduate and unlike others trying for a government job, he is busy working for Das (Prabhu) who is a smuggler. They have a rival in the form of Kamalesh (Akashdeep) who does not hesitate to go to any extent to make the duo's life miserable. Meanwhile, Deva falls in love with Yamuna (Tamannah), sister of Chitti (Jagan) who works for Das. The story takes a turn when a raid occurs and Deva realizes that iti s someone from their own close circle who did that. Meanwhile, Kamalesh decides to take a short cut and he gets Chitti killed and due to a twist of events, even Das gets killed. Enraged by this, Deva decides to put an end to Kamalesh and his business. How he does that forms the rest of the story.
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